Europe is nowadays facing one of the greatest challenges in its history.
It has to cope with a massive migration growing more and more difficult to tackle.
On the other hand, convulsions and tensions on the eastern border, are forcing Europe to defend its values and, possibly, its territories as well.

Romania, as a European Union country, on its Eastern limits, is first in line in a possible testing situation. Two of its borderlines - the Southern and the Eastern ones - are in major parts guarded by two big waters: Danube to the South, Black Sea to the East.
The territory is theoretically "protected" by waters.

"It's still silence beyond the waters" is a triptych video project containing footage taken in 2016 on the Danube and at the Black Sea.
Another framework, part of the triptych, is repeating obsessively the word "Silence" while written in clear water on a sheet of white paper in three different languages: Romanian, Russian and Arabic.

The project adresses the paranoia surrounding to any kind theme of invasions and somewhat desperate and seemingly futile gesture to invoke Silence.